Integrate an intelligence to your project in the Weni Platform

Bárbara Ramos Updated by Bárbara Ramos

The native integration is an exclusive feature from the new Weni Platform

On the Weni platform, it is possible to add intelligence to your project, and thus use it natively in Weni Flows. To do this, just follow the steps below.

Adding an intelligence to the project

  1. In the Artificial Intelligence module on the Weni Platform, open an intelligence of your choice, and select the "Integrate to Flows" button, as outlined in the image below.
  1. A confirmation message will appear. Just select the "confirm" option and the intelligence will be integrated

Using an intelligence integrated to Weni Flows

  1. Once integrated, the intelligence will automatically be available for use in the Weni Flows module. Just choose the flow of your choice and use the "Split by Intent" card.

  1. Select the intelligence that has been integrated, and choose the intent criteria that will be used. To learn more about entities and intentions, see our article about them.

Removing the integration of an intelligence that was added to the project

If you no longer want to use the intelligence that was integrated, you can remove it from the project and, consequently, from Weni Flows, following the steps below.

Removing the integration will not remove the intelligence itself, but it will break any connection to flows that use the intelligence. Please be careful when using this option.
  1. In the Artificial Intelligence module on the Weni Platform, open the intelligence you want to remove, and click the "Remove from Flows" button, as outlined in the image below.

  1. A confirmation message will appear. For security reasons, you will need to confirm your username, then click 'Remove Integration.'

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team.

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