Table of Contents


A new version of Bothub was released and this post will highlight the main changes

Refactored Features

Repository Page Refactor

The repository page was redesigned with a side menu due to increasing features and better User Interface to accommodate them.

Quick test

The quick test is the new way for you to test your intelligence, it was redesigned to be more chat-like and more intuitive.

Newly Added Features


In the inbox screen you can see how the intelligence is interacting with the world, knowing which phrases people are using in your bot and how he is predicting them so you can evaluate and put the phrase in your training or test with the appropriate intention, you can also select several sentences at once to add to your test or training.


the debug is a new feature to help you see how the bot understands a phrase word by word to easily identify problems in your training data, it is located in the quicktest and in the inbox


Now you can create versions of your intelligence so you can test new things without compromising the intelligence that is receiving requests or to help manage more than one people working in the same bot


We added a button in the right corner below the screen that will open a chat in which you can ask what you want from Bothub!

How did we do?

Integrating a Content Intelligence

