
Bárbara Ramos Updated by Bárbara Ramos


Being a community, Weni is made by its users and collaborators! Then, the Profile section allows you to manage your account and view all your intelligences.

Below, you'll learn how to manage your Weni account.

Edit profile

To access the Profile page, go to the home page and click the icon on the top right of the screen.

By clicking the icon on the right click Account, in this session you can edit your name, last name and the country of your account, and you can change the password if necessary. Enter the changes and confirm that the information will be updated.

Tap password

To change your Weni account password, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Profile page
  2. Click New password
  3. Enter your new password, then confirm.

Reset Password

You can also reset your password!

Go to the -> Sign in -> Forgot Password and place your email.

How did we do?

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Permissions system
