Initial concepts
So, what we can do with the Platform?
How do I know if my company needs a chatbot?
Register and login
First Steps - Creating your project
Choose your plan
Permission System
Project Dashboard
Platform Glossary
Changing the Platform Language
2-Factor Authentication
Invalid authentication code
General settings
Artificial Intelligence
Agent Builder
Zero Shot Learning
Weni Platform AI Module
Repository - Overview
What is an Intelligence?
Intents and Entities
Creating an Intelligence
Training your Intelligence
Strength of Intelligence
Testing your intelligence
Translating your dataset
Integrating Intelligence into a Project on the Weni Platform
Introduction to Content Intelligence
Integrating a Content Intelligence
Interface Updates
Guidance and Best Practices
Expressions and Variables Introduction
Variables Glossary
Expressions Glossary
Flows Creation
Flows introduction
Flow editor and tools
Action cards
Decision cards
Adding Media to the message
Call Webhook: Making requests to external services
Split by Intent: Using Classification Artificial Intelligence
Import and export flows
Using expressions to capture the user's location
Viewing reports on the platform
Route markers
WhatsApp Message Card
Contacts and Messages
Triggers and Campaigns
Adding a trigger
Triggers Types
Tell a flow to ignore triggers and keywords
Campaign introduction
How to create a Campaign
Editing events
Creating contact from an external Webhook
Contact history
How to Download and Extract Archived Data
How to connect and talk to the bot through the settings
Adding a Facebook Channel
Adding a Viber channel
How to Create an SMS Channel - For Developers (RapidPro)
Web Chat Channel
General API concepts and Integrations
How to create a channel on twitter
How to create a channel on Instagram
How to create an SMS channel
Adding ticket creation fields in Zendesk
Adding Discord as a channel
Creating a Slack Channel
Adding a Viber channel (RapidPro)
Creating a Microsoft Teams channel
Weni Integrations
How to Use the Applications Module
How to Create a Web Channel
Adding a Telegram channel
How to create a channel with WhatsApp Demo
Whatsapp: Weni Express Integration
Whatsapp: How to create Template Messages
WhatsApp Template Messages: Impediments and Configurations
Supported Media Sending - WhatsApp Cloud
Whatsapp Business API
Human Attendance
Weni Chats: Introduction to the Chats module
Weni Chats: Setting Up Human Attendance
Weni Chats: Human Service Dashboard
Weni Chats: Human Service Management
Weni Chats: Attendance distribution rule
Weni Chats: Using active triggering of flows
Weni Chats: CoPilot
Zendesk - Human Support
Ticketer: Ticketer on Rapid Pro
U-Partners - Proper use of features
Using groups to organize human attendance
Data and BI
How to Install and Use the Weni Data Connector for Power BI
Incremental Update - Power BI
Explore Weni's Database Documentation
Tips for Data Modeling in Power BI
Filter using Contact Fields in Power BI
UX Writing
- All Categories
- Initial concepts
- So, what we can do with the Platform?
So, what we can do with the Platform?
by Manu da Silva
Our platform is intuitive, multi-channel and easy to use. It's a very good tool to maximize process' executions and transform the way you comunicate with your public. Using it, you turn the constructions of conversations flows more inteligent to rise your project's results. Below, we have some cases that will show our reach:
CASE Susana:
One chatbot trained to execute talks from the finantial sector. This virtual assistant is expert on cut down the operational costs and the number of defaulters by automating the charge process; simulating human conversations with simplicity.
- Send reminders about due dates;
- Explain the customer's finantial position;
- Send re-issues of payment slips;
- Send bank statements;
CASE HealthBuddy:
HealthBuddy is a joint initiative of UNICEF’s Europe and Central Asia Regional Office and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Using our platform we created a powerfull tool of artificial inteligence that disseminate and teach trustfull informations about the new Coronavirus (COVID-19). There is a lot of misinformation and myths about the new coronaviruscirculating on the Internet and in social media. Misinformation is one of the biggest challenges in fighting COVID-19. This is why it’s important get your information and advice from trusted sources. HealthBuddy gives you information about the virus, tips about protection and talk about ways to reduce the contagion risk
In partnership with the public ministry of São Paulo (MPSP) and Microsoft, we created a chatbot called MAiA. MAiA is a chatbot created to support and give needed orientations about relationships. The project was created with the main goal of reduce the violence against women and alert the female population about the danger of toxic and abusive relationships.
CASE Central de Atendimento - Já! SEPLAG AL:
Jaque, the Alagoas state's virtual attendant, uses our platform to identify intentions and give precises and high quality information about the state's services. Jaque can give you directions about over 1.700 public services and making appointments using external integrations.
Working directly with 30 UNICEF centers across the world, helping to give voice to the youngers. We facilitate the participation on surveys and discussions about relevant themes, like health, education, water, diseases and any other topic that worries our society.
U-Report is a social messaging tool and a data collection system developed by UNIEF to improve the citizens engagement, inform leaderships and promote positive changes. The program send searchs and alert from SMS to you participants and the answers are collected and mapped in the website; the results and ideas are shared with the community. It's a free global moviment to make positive social changes.