Table of Contents

Interface Updates

Barbara Updated by Barbara

Repository Page

The repository page has been redesigned with a side menu to accommodate growing features and improve visuals.

Quick Test

The quick test is the new way to test your intelligence. It has been redesigned to be more chat-like and intuitive.

New Features


On the input interactions screen, you can see how the intelligence is interacting with the world, understanding what phrases people are using with your intelligent agent and how it predicts them. This allows you to evaluate and add the phrase to your training or test with the appropriate intent. You can also select multiple phrases at once to add to your test or training.


The debug feature is a new tool to help you understand how the intelligent agent processes a phrase word by word, making it easier to identify issues with your training data. It is available in the quick test and inbox screens.


You can now create versions of your intelligence to test new ideas without compromising the intelligence that is currently receiving requests, or to help manage multiple people working on the same agent.

How did we do?

Integrating a Content Intelligence

