How to send message templates through RocketChat

Contacting users who have interacted for more than 24 hours on Whatsapp requires the use of Message Templates in active messages.

To send active messages on RocketChat you can follow the following steps:

Logging in to your instance's marketplace

First, you must log in to the marketplace if you do not already have:

  1. Accessing Administration:
  2. In the sidebar, go to Marketplace:
  3. Click the "Sign in" button if you are not registered yet. If already, the button will not be displayed and skip to step 5.
  4. If the button appears, click Cloud Console and register on the site that will open (
  5. After registering click the blue button [+], and then register Self-Managed and after that click on Internet Access:
  6. Copy the token that will be displayed and click End.
  7. Back to the step 4 menu, enter the token and click connect:
  8. Back to Marketplace (, select Start Push Flow from the search bar and click install:

Submitting Message Templates

  1. Once installed, click on the app and scroll to the details by filling in:
  2. Flow Id: Is the flow id with the Template, which you'll want to send. You find the id at the end of the stream, after /editor, example:, then filling in xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx.
  3. Url do Push:
  4. Auth Token do Push: obtained here

  1. In RocketChat, the Message Templates are sent by Search for this robot user in the sidebar:

  1. Talk to the robot user by sending the following command:
/iniciar-conversa whatsapp <numerocliente>

Where <numerocliente> is your client's number, no spaces.

For example, if your customer number is +55 82 7777-4444, send the following command:

/iniciar-conversa whatsapp 558277774444

You must select the number of one customer at a time to send the message.

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