Creating a Slack Channel


  1. With your account and workspace already created, and press the button to create a new app.
  1. Select the From scratch option.
  1. In Basic Information go to the Bots feature.
  2. Trigger the Review Scopes to Add button to add the bot token scopes required for integration.
  1. Walk the page down to the Scopes content block.
  2. For "Bot Token Scopes" add the scopes of chat:write, files:read, files:write, users:read. For "User Token Scopes" add the scopes of files:read and files:write
  3. Go up to the page until you find the Install to Workspace button and trigger it to install the bot app for your workspace.
  4. Copy the tokens to put in the channel creation form for the slack bot on the Weni platform.
  1. On the slack apps page, go to the Basic Information menu to copy the Verification Token.
  2. After filling in all the fields on the form, press the button to finish.
  1. After the registration form is complete, copy the URL that will appear on the created channel configuration screen.
  2. Go back to the slack apps page, go to the Event Subscriptions menu item, and activate.
  3. Then paste the URL and wait a moment until the word Verified appears in the green color next to the Request URL title.
  4. Go down the page and add the events indicated in the image.
  1. Save modifications.
  2. After saving a yellow notification bar will appear asking you to reinstall the app for your workspace, click the link indicated.

After these steps the bot will be able to interact in the Slack Workspace Channels that is inserted, but still cannot exchange direct messages with users, to allow this too, follow the next instructions.

  1. To enable direct message exchange permission go to App Home and check the check box indicated in the image.

# How to activate quick replies/buttons in slack

In slack you need to enable sending quick responses in Features > Interactivity & Shortcuts in the Interactivity tab add in the Request URL field the Flows callback URL.

With all these steps your channel with slack bot will be integrated and able to send and receive messages in the slack channels that the bot is added or in direct messages.

How did we do?

Adding Discord as a channel

Adding a Viber channel (RapidPro)
